The only time it's rough, is when I pick her up, and I can feel she's soaked! Then I'm just not a happy camper. Since I work from home and hubbie goes into work, I feel the responsibility to change her during the week. But come weekends, I have to refrain from smiling when I wake him up to change her. Granted this has only happened a handful of times since she was born.
Last night was one of these nights. Being a weeknight, it was my parental and spousal duty to change her myself. The crappy thing is, when you feel she's soaked, it means her jammies are soaked too. So the inevitable mental battle begins. I really don't want to have to change her diaper and her pj's. But I know if I don't change her pj's, it means she sleeps with us for the rest of the night (since I can't put her back into the bassinet without any covers in just a diaper and I really don't sleep well with her in bed with us anymore).
So I sighed, and started the journey.
She's screaming the entire time because she's hungry. All she wants is to eat and go back to sleep ... like me. But I take her into her room where I have to turn the light on ... louder screaming ensues while she wriggles all over trying to avoid the light. I get the diaper out, unbutton her jammies and start changing her diaper. Now, my eyes are just barely opened as I'm trying to avoid the light too. She's just screaming bloody murder and I'm just paying attention to the diaper.
When I look up at her face, I realize she's thrown up all over herself. And since she was on her back, it's just all over her face. At this point I feel really awful. So I get her cleaned off. Get the diaper on ... AND new jammies. I immediately put her to the breast and she instantly quiets. Ahhh ... the sound of silence.
Of course now it takes me forever to get back to sleep. But thus is the life of a mother ... it's so great!!!
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been there...
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