Sunday, June 29, 2008

Such a thing as time for me?

How does a woman find time for herself? You know, time to do the stuff that I really enjoy. I have a great appreciation for art. I've only taken one art class in my entire life (well two, if you count the photography class). It was my senior year in college and the first time I was able to take a class that had a three-hour block. I found out I really enjoyed it. It was a drawing class, and we pretty much learned the basics, but I found out I wasn't half bad.

So recently our church announced they were doing an art exhibit. I was really excited because I knew we had a lot of talented artists in our church. Then God woke me up at 3am one morning with several ideas for drawings. I knew, for some reason, God was telling me to pick up my pencil again. This didn't really thrill me as I hadn't done anything in years and I'm totally self conscious. The idea of putting something I've done next to people who were really good made me shrink in my boots (they're actually flip flops, but you get the idea).

I toyed around with the idea for a couple of weeks before I made up my mind to actually start something. Then it was another week before I got up the nerve to email our pastor to see if he had room for any of my drawings. This meant I was actually committed ... again TOTAL self-conscious-ville. I'm now about half-way through the first one ... a wee bit behind. I still have another piece to do and only three weeks left. But when do I have the time to work on it???

Between taking care of my six-month old, working part-time from home (it's amazing how many hours it takes to work four-hours a day), taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, showering at least a few times during the week, and that annoying time-filler called sleep ... where on earth does a woman find time to work on the things she enjoys? Somehow my husband has time to work on the things he enjoys. I'm not sure why God gave man and woman this time differential, but lately it's started to annoy me.

Suggestions anyone?!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you figure this out, please let me know. :-)